Saturday, October 16, 2010


One activity that we thought was going to be a flop was actually a big hit. We made folded fortune tellers, sometimes called 'cootie catchers.' I folded them all in advance on sturdy, brightly colored cardstock. Then I printed out labels with the four Houses, and lots of fortunes. The four house labels get stuck on the outside. Then on the inside, you write numbers 1-8. The on the flaps, the kids affixed whichever fortunes they liked best. These are some of the fortunes we used:

Due to a tragic transfiguration error, you will spend several years of your life as a sausage.

You will be stampeded by a herd of raging hippogriffs.

A Basilisk will escape and hide in your plumbing. Beware long baths.

Congratulations! You will be drafted as the next Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Way to go! During Astronomy class, you will discover a new planet which will be named for you.

You will fall in love with a Centaur and move to a tree house in the Forbidden Forest.

The Weasley brothers will hire you to test their new joke shop products. You will never be the same!

You will live a very long life, but as a werewolf. Beware of full moons!

Congratulations! You will win the next Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw!

You’ll find out the hard way that Acromantula venom is not a good cure for a runny nose.

You’ll catch the Snitch and win the Quidditch Cup for your house!

You’ll get prime seats at the next Quidditch World Cup, but you’ll have to perform as the mascot!

You’ll come in first place in the All-New-England Wizard Chess Championship!

You’ll marry a Weasley and have eleven children.

While vacationing in Sweden, you’ll spot a real Crumple-Horned Snorkack, but nobody will believe you.

You’ll win a life-time supply of Fizzing Whizzbees! Don’t forget to share!

Beware! A boggart has just taken up residence under your bed.

Bad luck, a troll just smashed your potions homework to smithereens.

Educational Decree 30 prohibits students from eating birthday cake.

Terrible news! A polyjuice potion mishap will leave you with a long, furry tail.

Lucky you! Mrs. Weasley has remembered to knit a sweater just for you! Watch for her owl!

You'll find your true friends in Slytherin.

Someone will try to slip you a love potion! Constant vigilance!

You will receive top grades and be made a prefect! Great job!

You will accidentally get hit by an Engorgement Charm - your nose will never look the same!

You'll get in trouble for practicing inappropriate charms on a goat.

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